Saturday, March 5, 2011

It it bad that I'm at total peace about not giving my baby any vaccines?

I believe that the combinations of vaccines can have adverse reactions and that it is a greater risk for my child if I vaccinate her, then if I do not. I do believe the huge rise in the autism numbers is linked to the thermosel (mercury) that is found many vaccines. I would like to see an objective study that could prove the contrary. It is unbelievable to me that even if my child gets the vaccine, that I could put her at risk it my wife and I don't get the vaccine. Insanity. Also, why would we assume that all children will respond in the same way to 30+ recommended vaccines that have never been studied in combination with each other. Can an infant/ toddler handle all of this? Sure, maybe some, but all? There is no guarantee and if I can't know that my baby is 100 percent safe, I will not risk it. You can say that the polio vaccine is a major victory, but in large part the numbers overseas were declining without the vaccine.

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