Saturday, March 5, 2011

Im 6 months pregnant and I dont think my husband wants this baby or the one we already have?

My husband and I have been married for a year and we have a 16 month old son. Recently child protective services got involved in our lived because my son was 10lbs under weight for his age and they thought we did not feed him and are currently trying to take him away from us. Right now he is children's hospital and the doctor said that his low weight was due to a medical problem and it was nothing that we did that caused this, but still CPS is still trying to take my baby away. My husband has not really been that involved in our sons life he has only been up to see him once and dose not seem worried about the situation with CPS and he is mad that we have to come up with 5k by the end of next month to pay a lawyer. Since our son was born he never really spent any time with him, he would change diapers and do things like that if i twisted his arm but would never play with him or attempt to bond with him. I think the longest he has ever played with him was 5 minutes. He was not involved with my pregnancy at all. He would never rub my back or try to help me out, showed no sympathy when i was in pain, having contractions, or puking my guts up. I actually went into early labor and as i was yelling for him to help me he ignored me thank god someone else was home to take me to the hospital. He did however come for his birth cut the cord and spent the next few days in the hospital with me and our son. My question is I guess is im 6 months pregnant with our daughter and i want him to be more involved this time around during the remainder of my pregnancy and after she is born but i dont know how to do that. I have tried to sit down and talk to him i dont know how many times about it but he just doesn't want to talk to me, I also want him to be more involved in his sons life and less involved with his friends and video games. I see a lot of other couples and see the relationships they have and the way other fathers interact with their children and I just want my husband to have a good relationship with his kids. And since i have been pregnant i have not wanted to have sex and it has been very painful and the other night my husband said that he thinks of my more as a friend then a wife because im not doing the things a wife should. Like cook and clean and have sex with him. I love him to death but i really need some help here. I have the stress of this whole CPS thing, my pregnancy and trying to stay healthy with all the stress and depression i have and now i have all of this on top of that. What should I do? How do i get him to be more involved and more supportive?

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