Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I hate nerds after seeing this happen on the news?

okay, I heard of this happening some time ago on the news. It was about this one guy, and this nerd. Anyway, the nerd got fed up and went insane (from what was said) so he pinned the other guy down, wrapped his legs tightly around his throat and squeezed the life out of him. what confuses me here is, this guy was a nerd, nerd. (Glasses and everything) So why couldn't the other guy escape? Did the victim just give up? It takes like 3 minutes to strangle someone. I mean simply biting onto his thighs would've made him let go, right? And lasty, why didn't someone save the poor guy's life? I don't believe that can happen. could that happen..the guy surely would've beat the nerd up and got out of it.. I could just imagine being the guy who died and imagine the pain and how much he suffered before he died. Everytime I see a nerd now I'll look at his legs as if he's planning on doing the same thing. I mean, that just seems like such a slow, painful, horrible and humiliating way to die. :( Has anyone else seen or heard of this story?

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